The Celluloid President
The Celluloid President
Talking With Ken Khachigian, a Top Nixon Aide and President Reagan's Favorite Speechwriter
Jim and Gary take a break from discussing movies and have a chat with Ken Khachigian, a former top aide to President Nixon and then President Reagan's favorite speechwriter. Ken has written a fascinating book called "Behind Closed Doors: In The Room With Reagan and Nixon," a no-holds-bars, brutally honest look at what it's like to play politics at the highest level. In the book Ken writes about the work that went into preparing for Nixon's interviews with David Frost, which was later dramatized in the movie Frost/Nixon. Jim and Gary ask him about that movie, which they previously dissected, to get an insider's account and to find out what it's like to be portrayed onscreen. They also get candid insights into Nixon and Reagan's strengths and weaknesses and learn more about the backstabbing that takes place in the White House when aides even betray their president to advance their own objectives. For more information on Ken, the book and his public appearances go to https://www.reaganandnixon.com/.